Home SEO Is WordPress good for SEO? – Guide for 2023

Is WordPress good for SEO? – Guide for 2023

Is WordPress good for SEO? – Guide for 2023

Yes, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a great choice to use WordPress! 35% of the websites that are live on the internet are run by WordPress. WordPress is quickly becoming the best choice for website developers to improve their search engine rankings. It is easy to instal on any server and can be set up with a wide range of themes.

Is WordPress good for SEO? – Guide for 2023

Easy Optimisation

You do not need web development or coding prowess. WordPress is one of the simplest ways for developing a fully functional website. Best of all, its dashboard contains a multitude of SEO-enabled fields for gaining greater visibility in search engines.


WordPress makes it easy to change the permalinks of your website so that the pages and posts show up in the format you want. This way, you can add keywords to the post and pages to improve your website’s rank and CTR (Click-through Rate) on search engines.

Automatic Metadata

When it comes to SEO, two important aspects that might effect your rank are the title and the Meta description. This information must be available for a search engine to crawl on each page and post on your website. WordPress has a plethora of free and commercial plugins that can automate the process for you so that you don’t have to waste time changing each and every page and post.

Image Optimisation

Another way to improve your website’s rank is to add Alt Text to each image on the website. WordPress makes it easy to fill in these details and optimise the file with keywords so that image search engines also put your website in the top spots.

Responsive Website

Google and other search engines give preference to websites that are tuned for use across a wide range of device types. Your website needs to be mobile-friendly because more and more times are using their phones to browse the web. You can do this with many WordPress themes without touching the code.

Social Media Integration

Another advantage of WordPress is its power to engage with social media audiences in order to improve rankings. There are plugins available to connect your social media accounts to your WordPress website and automate the publishing of posts across all platforms, as well as show extensive analytics of your followers, likes, comments, and shares.

Website Speed

The speed of a website is not a ranking factor, but it is critical that users remain on the page. A sluggish website may annoy users, causing you to lose potential leads. WordPress comes fast-loading themes and plugins that can optimise your website’s files to speed up its loading time.

In conclusion, WordPress is an excellent SEO tool that, if used properly, can produce spectacular results. You can also view a list of available plugins for various uses. These may include automating operations, compressing the website to vary its speed, and gaining access to Google Analytics.

We make sure your website’s engagement is higher than anyone else in your niche

Now more than ever, it’s important for every online business owner to get more responses and engagement. And that’s when we step in to help you easily navigate the digital economy.

Our professional marketers love to get the information they need about each marketing campaign, such as remarketing, email and newsletter schemes and designs, creative website designs, and much more.

Our list of services is full of options that can help your business grow. So, you wouldn’t have to look for different marketers online to increase the overall engagement on your website(s).

By running with Blurn, you can outperform the other agencies currently competing in your industry and receive the highest levels of engagement. That’s why we’ll invest your money wisely so you can make the most of the opportunities currently available to business owners like you.

We will rebuild your brand to bring back the lost leads

Occasionally, it is evident that your regular customers lose interest in your business services or the value proposition that you present to the market. To break such a stalemate, we are constantly prepared.

Through popular rebranding and remarketing strategies such as email and newsletter marketing, we ensure that you draw back customers who may have lost interest in your offerings.

In the end, people will perceive that you are routinely updated and that you, like them, are following the trend. This aids in client retention more often than not. And when they are kept, the likelihood of positive word-of-mouth and a growing group of business advocates increases.

As and when this occurs, with the assistance of the experts’ ongoing marketing efforts, the minimum profit margin is likewise increased on the success graph.

We make sure that your content is updated

People will also leave your website if it looks boring and uninteresting. Depending on the product or service you’re selling to your niche, you should know how to turn your website’s content into something beautiful and stylish.

We also help you upload content that is rich for SEO and makes it easy for clients to reach you.

When these customers feel a connection to your company’s product offering, they will begin purchasing from you.

Take away points

  • Estimate the length of the video.
  • Make people binge-watch the same video.
  • Select the right platform for sharing the video.
  • In such videos, hire the right people.
  • Get people to use your brand and give your products/services a voice.
  • Use the services of professional digital marketing consultants or companies. You will live longer.
  • Create video content that evokes strong emotions such as happiness, joy, purchase excitement, or curiosity.
  • Create social media content to target specific niches. It’s become more personal

What we understood

  • If you want more people to notice your message, try making the words “welcome” bigger.
  • If you’re not sure how to properly combine pastel colours, it’s best to engage professionals.
  • Use international words and phrases to pique the interest of foreign customers.
  • Incorporating personal photos into your brand’s identity is an easy way to make it feel more genuine.

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